
I'd like to suggest adding a grace time to the Prefix Limit ORF-Type.
Its purpose is to allow temporary overrun of the limit while reloading
the routes after a policy is changed.

Why: If the peer exports e.g. 2001:db8:0/48 through 2001:db8:7/48 and
it wants to substitute them for 2001:db8:0/45, it first has to add the
less specific prefix and then drop the more specific prefixes. Doing this
on large scale may override the limits temporarily which would lead to
unneeded BGP session drop.

Here are the changes to be done to the RFC text:

* append to section 3:
        The "Grace-Time" is a two-byte unsigned integer. It indicates
        the number of seconds for which the Prefix-Limit can be exceeded.

* append to section 4 the Grace-Time directly after the Prefix-Limit

* insert to section 6.1.1 after 2nd paragraph:
        The sending speaker MUST wait for the Grace-Time period before
        taking corrective action. If the peer gets from the Prefix-Limit
        violation during the Grace-Time period, no corrective action is taken.
        The Grace-Time period is reset every time the violation is gone.

Thank you for cnnsidering my suggestion

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