Hello Robert,

  I really like the way you describe the situation. And this one is a
very important phrase:

"What is bad for Internet is propagating those more specific routes
beyond the point that they make any difference any longer. "

  I recognize that your draft if more complicated than what I expected
(sorry, my fault), but anyhow at the beginning I though: "this is so
true: after the AS_PATH reaches length X or more, then it does not look
necessary to propagate more specific routes". I might be wrong but I can
not think in any single situation.

  Hope your draft move forward.


On 11/3/19 2:28 PM, Robert Raszuk wrote:
> Folks,
> Allow me to express a bit of a different view - this time from
> enterprise perspective. 
> Actually announcing more specifics of the block one owns has real
> service advantages. So in itself it is actually a good thing ! 
> What is bad for Internet is propagating those more specific routes
> beyond the point that they make any difference any longer. 
> There was proposal to aggregate those at dynamic points where sending
> them no longer brings any service/routing advantages, but apparently
> at that time no one cared much: 
> https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-marques-idr-aggregate-00.txt  
> - - - 
> See assume I own /19 for a global network. I can't possibly announce
> that block via all of my 20 ISP peerings globally as top requirement
> is not to keep the Internet BGP table tiny, but rather to offer best
> service to customers. 
> Further more imagine I offer various services based on geo location.
> For customers in Japan I want them to go to Japan DMZ and not float to
> any other location just because his ISP is one AS hop away from NY and
> two AS hops away from Osaka or Tokyo ISPs I peer with. So if I would
> attract such service to US I would need to carry it back to Tokyo over
> global WAN - disaster. 
> See even /24 is a very coarse limit one has to deal with. I may have
> few gateways for a given service per site not 255. And each service
> has completely different service requirements from the network
> characteristic. If I have 8 ISPs there 
> It is very clear (at least to some) that basic BGP best path routing
> is suboptimal.. For years folks have been using SLA based routing to
> steer packets over non necessarily BGP best path between Internet
> endpoints. The more fine are the announcements the better egress path
> selection can be achieved. So the Internet is no longer used to reach
> A & B. It is used to reach A & B in most optimal way for a given
> application. 
> Let's therefore keep those points in mind while blindly bashing
> "deaggregation" and calling names those who do it :). I bet no one is
> doing that just for fun. 
> Enterprises are doing it to provide the best level of service. ISPs do
> it to serve the needs of their customers. It is feasible to enhance
> BGP to aggregate when it no longer makes sense to carry more specific
> prefixes - let's rethink this. 
> Thx,
> R.
> On Sun, Nov 3, 2019 at 8:41 PM Nick Hilliard <n...@foobar.org
> <mailto:n...@foobar.org>> wrote:
>     Gert Doering wrote on 03/11/2019 19:15:
>     > On Sun, Nov 03, 2019 at 03:10:29PM +0000, Martijn Schmidt wrote:
>     >>> Maybe "BGP Deaggregation Slopping" as a working title?
>     >> Or "Scenic BGP Deaggregation", or "BGP Globetrotting", or "BGP
>     >> Castaways". If anything a connotation with the sea and/or submarine
>     >> cables would be appropriate, I think!
>     >
>     > "BGP vandalism"
>     "Noxious Routing"?
>     Nick
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