Hi Job,

As others pointed out I think the goals would benefit from being more

As example I see third goal very generic which could include everything for
next years to come ;)

On the other hand if it is not explicit it may be harder for GROW to go via
IESG with some work.

Examples which I would suggest to get added:

* work on ops practices of performance based routing

* work on ops practices of sdwan deployments using bgp

* work on ops aspects of internet te


Many thx

On Mon, Oct 28, 2019, 15:21 Job Snijders <j...@ntt.net> wrote:

> Dear working group, AD,
> Warren asked us as chairs to assess whether revising the GROW charter
> was warrented, and if so propose an update. We've come up with the
> below.
> It is entirely possible we've overlooked something, we'd love your
> feedback on the below charter, goals & milestones. Please share on-list
> or off-list with grow-cha...@ietf.org
> Kind regards,
> Job & Chris
> GROW chairs
> Charter for GROW Working Group
> ===============================
> The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is fundamental to the operation of the
> Internet. In recent years, occurrences of BGP related operational issues
> have increased, and while overall understanding of the default-free
> routing system has improved, there is still a long and growing list of
> concerns. Among these are routing table growth rates, interaction of
> interior and exterior routing protocols, dynamic properties of the
> routing system, and the effects of routing policy on both the size and
> dynamic nature of the routing table. In addition, new and innovative
> uses of BGP, such as the use of BGP as a signaling protocol for some
> types of Virtual Private Networks, have created new and unexpected
> operational issues.
> The purpose of the GROW is to consider the operational problems
> associated with the IPv4 and IPv6 global routing systems, including but
> not limited to routing table growth, the effects of the interactions
> between interior and exterior routing protocols, and the effect of
> address allocation policies and practices on the global routing system.
> Finally, where appropriate, the GROW documents the operational aspects
> of measurement, monitoring, policy, security, and VPN infrastructures,
> and safe default behavior of implementations.
> GROW will also advise various working groups, specifically the IDR and
> SIDROPS working groups, with respect to whether it is addressing the
> relevant operational and routing security needs of networks, and where
> appropriate, suggest course corrections or intervene. Finally,
> operational requirements developed in GROW can also be used by any new
> working group charged with standardizing a next generation inter-domain
> routing protocol.
> Goals
> =====
> * Provide stewardship and maintenance for the BGP Monitoring Protocol
>   (BMP)
> * Document Best Current Practises for operations of the Internet routing
>   system.
> * Analyze aspects of supporting new applications, including extending
>   existing routing protocols and creating new ones. This includes risk,
>   interference and application fit.
> * Document the operational aspects of securing the Internet routing
>   system, and provide recommendations to other WGs.
> * Provide documentation to assist in avoiding clear malpractice in the
>   global routing system.
> Milestones
> ==========
> Jan 2020 - "Support for Local RIB in BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP)" to IESG
> Feb 2020 - "BMP Peer Up Message Namespace" to IESG
> Apr 2020 - "Revision to Registration Procedures for Multiple BMP
> Registries" to IESG.
> Jul 2020 - “Document negative consequences of de-aggregating received
> routes for traffic engineering purposes” - to IESG
> Nov 2020 - "TLV support for BMP Route Monitoring and Peer Down Messages"
> to IESG.
> Jan 2021 - “A BCP on using IRR and RPKI data to improve filtering of BGP
> peering sessions” to IESG or via “Evolving Documents”
> _______________________________________________
> GROW mailing list
> GROW@ietf.org
> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/grow
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