Dear Alvaro,

Thank you for your comments.

On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 07:42:05PM -0800, Alvaro Retana wrote:
> > Finally, where appropriate, the GROW documents the operational
> > aspects of measurement, monitoring, policy, security, and VPN
> > infrastructures, and safe default behavior of implementations.
> It is important to highlight somewhere that protocol changes (to, for
> example, meet that "safe default behavior") are to be developed in the
> WG chartered with maintaining the specific protocol.  idr for BGP, in
> close coordination with grow, of course.
> idr is also in the process of discussing an update to their charter.
> An important highlight in the text there will be precisely that.

I agree that IDR governs BGP and is expected to be its overall
architect, gatekeeper, primary caretaker. But IDR is not the *only*
group to influence aspects of the BGP Protocol.

> > GROW will also advise various working groups, specifically the IDR
> > and SIDROPS working groups, with respect to whether it is addressing
> > the relevant operational and routing security needs of networks, and
> > where appropriate, suggest course corrections or intervene. Finally,
> > operational requirements developed in GROW can also be used by any
> > new working group charged with standardizing a next generation
> > inter-domain routing protocol.
> I don't think I understand what you mean by "suggest course
> corrections or intervene".  The current Charter ends this sentence
> with "suggest course corrections", what is the meaning/intent of
> "intervene"?  How does that look as a WG?

As an example RFC 8212 comes to mind.

I would like to suggest that we have a phone call with the IDR and GROW
chairs, you, and Warren, to have a dialogue to explore what what is on
people's minds and how we want to express that in charters.

> > Jul 2021 - "Devise a BGP Community Description System" to IESG
> Maybe this is explained somewhere else (??)...what is that?  Is it
> simply best practices/recommendations on how to structure the contents
> of communities, or something else?

Over time it has come up a couple of times that it would be beneficial
to have a framework that allows operators to inform each other what
the semantics are of locally significant BGP communities (of any
flavor). This morning I interjected the idea,
no further documentation exists other than in our memories.

In other words: a way to programmatically tell each other that
"Community 1" means X and "Community 2" means Y in NTT's network, and in
AT&T's network it is the reverse. I envision we can devise a mechanism
to map semantics to integers. This is not work about 'on the wire'.

Kind regards,


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