Comments inline

> On Jul 26, 2020, at 12:50 PM, Robert Raszuk <> wrote:
> All,
> Happy to see this draft ! Have been struggling with explaining some of those 
> issues and lack of such BCPs was sort of implicit prove that it is all fine 
> to prepend at will. 
> Said this it seems clear that putting aside cases of unnecessary use or use 
> by errors AS-PATH prepends we are still facing no Internet wide path 
> de-prefernecing in BGP being commonly used other then mangling AS-PATH. 
> The point is that multihoming is common and if someone needs at least to try 
> to influence entrance to his domain AS-PATH prepend comes as low hanging 
> fruit. 
> Longer prefix will not work when on both ASBRs a /24 is injected.. 
> So let me ask a question here ... 
> Have anyone tried to document that instead of doing AS-PATH prepend across 
> set of upstreams (for whatever valid reason that may be) the preferred 
> entrance should advertise the paths with IGP or EGP origin while the other 
> ASBRs (which would otherwise prepend N times) with INCOMPLETE ? BGP best path 
> should automatically across most implementations do the right path selection. 

Offhand, I don’t know of anyone who has tried to document this.  But why EGP 
origin?  EGP is a Historic protocol that is rarely if ever used.  IMO, although 
this technique could work, it is misleading.

> Anyone see any issue with that ? If that works we could actually start to 
> strongly discourage use of AS-PATH prepending. 
> If not maybe we should think about a new attribute along the lines of cost 
> community to be more widely used in a transitive manner and to have single 
> meaning to allow to deprefer a prefix originated by given AS across number of 
> ISP uplinks with a numeric value (just like MED or Local Pref are used 
> locally).

IMO, this is a better idea.

> Another question the draft talks about AS-PATH prepends by actual sources ... 
> well suffice to just take a look at Internet tables in few places to see that 
> even some transit operators prepend themselves to the original paths (also 
> already prepended). And yes I do have captures of those. 
> Thx,
> R.

Regards, Greg

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