
Why not just send BGP Message Type 5 verbatim ? Are you saying that BMP is
not sending this message to BMP receivers when arriving from BGP peers of
the router ? If so why ?


On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 2:03 AM Tim Evens (tievens) <tievens=
40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

> When I wrote route-refresh, that was from the router/sender side, not BMP
> receiver sending a route-refresh. BMP is still write-only.
> There are use-cases for re-syncing the RIB to the BMP receiver.  Some of
> the methods today are to clear the peer, request a route-refresh in, or to
> reset the BMP feed. This is a bit intrusive to the router (sender) and BMP
> receiver. Having to go to the router to request a refresh to the BMP
> server, IMO, is still okay.  The problem is that control knobs for refresh
> are at the BGP peer level, not BMP.  For Adj-RIB-In Pre-Policy, it makes
> sense to do that on the peer, but for Post-Policy, Adj-RIB-Out and
> Local-RIB, it doesn’t really make sense.  Having a knob to initiate BMP
> side refresh would be very nice and hopefully less intrusive.
> Regardless of the BMP server needing a refresh, a BMP server does not know
> when someone has requested route-refresh IN at the peer level (maybe it was
> requested for policy change, …) Instead, the BMP receiver, blindly,
> receives a boat load of updates with no awareness that it was a new RIB
> dump or controlled refresh. In this case, it would appear to be churn.
> IMO, there is value in having a message to signal the receiver that a
> refresh is coming, followed by an EoR.  A PEER_UP could be used for this,
> but that is intrusive and misuse of PEER_UP.
> --Tim
> On 9/22/22, 11:03 AM, "Jeffrey Haas" <jh...@pfrc.org> wrote:
> > On Sep 21, 2022, at 7:42 AM, Zhuangshunwan <zhuangshunwan=
> 40huawei....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Tim and All,
> >
> > I think the idea of a "BMP route refresh" would be appreciated,  it will
> helps keep the information synchronized between the BMP Server and the BMP
> Client.
> Would someone clarify what they mean by a bmp route refresh?
> The BMP protocol was intentionally designed as write-only.
> -- Jeff
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