Dear all,

Thank you for your feedback! There was good support to adopt this
internet-draft and continue work on it as a working group document.

Authors, please name the internet-draft "draft-ietf-grow-anycast-community-00"
and submit it to

Kind regards,


GROW co-chair

On Sat, Nov 05, 2022 at 03:48:16PM +0100, Job Snijders wrote:
> Dear GROW,
> The authors of draft-wilhelm-grow-anycast-community asked whether this
> working group could consider adoption of the internet-draft.
> This message is a request to the group for feedback on whether this
> internet-draft should be adopted.
> Title: A well-known BGP community to denote prefixes used for Anycast
> Abstract: 
>    In theory routing decisions on the Internet and by extension within
>    ISP networks should always use hot-potato routing to reach any given
>    destination.  In reality operators sometimes choose to not use the
>    hot-potato paths to forward traffic due to a variety of reasons,
>    mostly motivated by traffic engineering considerations.  For prefixes
>    carrying anycast traffic in virtually all situations it is advisable
>    to stick to the hot-potato principle.  As operators mostly don't know
>    which prefixes are carrying unicast or anycast traffic, they can't
>    differentiate between them in their routing policies.
>    To allow operators to take well informed decisions on which prefixes
>    are carrying anycast traffic this document proposes a well-known BGP
>    community to denote this property.
> The Internet-Draft can be found here: 
> Please share with the mailing list if you are think this work should be
> adopted by GROW, willing to review and/or otherwise contribute to this
> draft!
> WG Adoption call ends November 22th, 2022.
> Kind regards,
> Job / Chris

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