Dear all,

As requested during the IETF 118 GROW session in Prague, Czechia, a
"Working Group Last Call" is now issued for draft-ietf-grow-bmp-peer-up.
This phase will last about 2 weeks. We'd love to hear from you,
especially from BMP implementers!

Please review the document, consider whether it should advance in the
publication pipeline, and provide feedback! ... before February 6th,
please :-) 

The abstract for draft-ietf-grow-bmp-peer-up:

    RFC 7854, BMP, uses different message types for different purposes.
    Most of these are Type, Length, Value (TLV) structured. One message
    type, the Peer Up message, lacks a set of TLVs defined for its use,
    instead sharing a namespace with the Initiation message. Subsequent
    experience has shown that this namespace sharing was a mistake, as
    it hampers the extension of the protocol.
    This document updates RFC 7854 by creating an independent namespace
    for the Peer Up message. It also updates RFC 8671 and RFC 9069 by
    moving the defined codepoints in the newly introduced registry. The
    changes in this document are formal only, compliant implementations
    of RFC 7854, RFC 8671 and RFC 9069 also comply with this

The internet-draft itself and associated information are available at:

Kind regards,

GROW co-chair

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