Dear all,

I support the adoption of draft-ietf-grow-bmp-peer-up.

A small detail I think could be changed is that the definition of a string in Section 2 should specify that the length in the TLV's Length field is in bytes and not a number of character ("whose length *in bytes* is given by [...]" ). It is already specified in Section 3.3:

   *  Information Length (2 bytes): The length of the following
      Information field, in bytes.

but not in Section 2:

2.  String Definition

   A string TLV is a free-form sequence of UTF-8 characters whose length
   is given by the TLV's Length field.  There is no requirement to
   terminate the string with a null (or any other particular) character
   -- the Length field gives its termination.

Kind regards,

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