Dear colleagues of GROW-WG,

We (Stavros Konstantaras, Job Snijders and Moyaze Shivji) have submitted the 
draft-spaghetti-grow-bcp-ext-comms-00, which you can find it in the following 

In this draft, we introduce a recommendation to avoid the use of BGP Extended 
Communities at the Route Servers of Internet Exchange points. Hence,  we would 
like to request from the community and the GROW chairs to adopt  the draft as a 
WG item. We welcome your review and any possible constructive feedback either 
in this e-mail thread or in private messages.

Thank you in advance,

Stavros Konstantaras | Sr. Network Engineer | AMS-IX
Frederiksplein 42, 1017 XN Amsterdam, The Netherlands
M +31 (0) 620 89 51 04<>
Stavros Konstantaras

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