On Sat, Mar 16, 2024 at 11:54:10PM +0000, Job Snijders wrote:
> I posted a small revision to clarify the scope of the document
> https://author-tools.ietf.org/iddiff?url1=draft-spaghetti-grow-bcp-ext-comms-00&url2=draft-spaghetti-grow-bcp-ext-comms-01&difftype=--html

Thanks for the clarifications.  I think with these clarifications and
further thought my stance moves to "mildly don't support adoption".  But
there's perhaps still room for refinement to change my mind.

The main motivation of the document seems to be to say "don't use extended
communitites to signal RS behavioral operations".  I'm supportive of that.

What the document actually does say is:
"Operators of Internet Exchange Route Servers are RECOMMENDED to scrub
Extended Communities in both inbound and outbound directions."

In other words, get involved in throwing away someone else's stuff.
Whether scrub is intended to mean "selectively filter" vs. "throw away
indiscriminately" is ambiguous in the current text.

While some of the motivation is to limit the leaking of VPN-signaling
excrement that has left an appropriate scope, extended communities are a
general purpose mechanism that gets leveraged for general purpose features,
and not exclusively is intended for VPN purposes.

If the proposal would be updated to recommend specific extended community
types and subtypes to filter, I'd be supportive of that.  But if the
proposal is to filter all extended communities, I'm not supportive of that.

FWIW, such filtering practices are a good input for the bcp-194-bis work.

-- Jeff

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