On Tue, 2007-12-18 at 20:30 +0200, Vesa Jääskeläinen wrote:

> Just leave cygwin out of the box... thank you!
> cygwin is one of the worst pieces of software that just does not work
> correctly.

I wonder if you have actually used the native Windows port of CVS.

>  In my point-of-view portability means that you can use
> software natively on some platform and it does not include installing
> emulators or such to run software (like cygwin, wine).

OK, I just checked grub4dos sources, and it looks like that it should be
compiled either under Linux or in Cygwin.  Look at the "build" script
written specifically for grub4dos - it's a shell script.  If the build
system was using native tools like Visual C or even MinGW, we would see
very different build scripts.

Therefore, I don't see how native Windows portability of the version
control system can be an issue for GRUB.

Speaking of Cygwin, my experience with it has been much more positive,
especially if it's installed for one specific purpose like compiling
some project (as opposed to a playground for UNIX wannabees).  I don't
think it's a requirement that is going to deter anyone from working on

The work on the native git is underway.  Many scripts have been replaced
with C sources.  I expect that effort to be completed before GRUB
actually needs that (i.e. before it compiles with Visual C or another
non-Cygwin Windows compiler).

And if you need any GUI, qgit is a native Windows application compiled
with Qt4.  The "Tortoise" like GUI doesn't make much sense for git, as
it's file oriented, and git is changeset oriented.  The Eclipse plugin
(egit) is available.

Pavel Roskin

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