Dne 17 Prosinec 2007, 08:02, Yoshinori K. Okuji napsal(a):
> I do object. Personally, I believe that git is inferior to other modern
> version control systems, thus I don't want to move. If we do, I prefer to
> go with something better.
> Okuji

Inferior? I see the disadvantage, that now it works only on unix.
But I think that Linuz had very good reasons to write git.
Git is young, but it was/is written with very deep knowledge of
development process, which is not true for other free version systems. (It
also uses ideas from BitKeeper, which is commercial, as linux developers
were using it before.) Git does not need 'server' so it is simple for
users to clone git repository and track their changes there. (This holds
not for subversion.)

I took a look on wikipedia's comparison of rcs:
E.g. the table 'Features' is interresting. There are very few totally
green rows, git is one of them. (mercurial is the other noncomercial green


                            Tomas Ebenlendr

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