Hi Thomas,

to keep the host installation clean, I would probably use a container.
So if you are familiar with Podman or Docker, take a look at this:

You could then use a volume mount for any input files from your host and
to retrieve the output files.

Hope this helps in your case, otherwise someone more knowledgeable than
me could chime in. :)


On 2024-06-14 16:16, Thomas Schmitt via Grub-devel wrote:
> Hi,
> on occasion of
>   https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/index.php?65880
>   "heap-buffer-overflow in grub-mkrescue.c"
> i try to get grub-mkrescue running from git.
> My problem is that grub_util_get_pkglibdir() returns
>   /usr/local/lib/grub
> and grub_util_get_pkgdatadir() returns
>   /usr/local/share/grub
> which of course do not come with a Debian installation.
> So grub-mkrescue produces only a very small ISO with no boot lures or
> boot programs. Quite unrealistic for testing.
> I was able to overcome this obstacle by
>   ln -s /usr/lib/grub /usr/local/lib/grub
>   ln -s /usr/share/grub /usr/local/share/grub
> but i understand that now my grub-mkrescue actually copies the ISO content
> from the Debian installation and not from the git clone.
> The manual
>   https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub-dev/grub-dev.html
> does not give me a clue how i would get the /usr/local/*/grub
> directories populated with the files made from the git clone.
> I guess "make install" would do it for me, but i fear that this does
> too many other things to the GRUB installation of my vanilla Debian.
> In general i would prefer to keep the git files away from any system
> directory.
> So what can i do to make the files built from git available to
> ./grub-mkrescue built from git, without frankensteining my Debian 12 ?
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas
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