Another small update - I've changed the "+" buttons in the "Attendees
+" and "Agenda Item +" lists to "⊕" (circled-plus).

What does this mean? Now you can add an existing Tiddler to the Agenda
Items or Attendees list rather than being forced to have a new Tiddler

Behind the scenes, if the title you enter matches an existing Tiddler,
it gets tagged according to the mgtdListEnhanced's "
addButtonTags:'Whatever' " parameter.
If it doesn't exist, it is created and then tagged.

This gives mgtdListEnhanced a new, flexible feature of adding existing
Tiddlers to any list!

I hope you'll try it for yourself and send me your feedback!

Note, there is a small issue I can't figure out - how to refresh the
Dashboard. Currently (no matter what I try!) after you add an item,
you still have to "Jump" (in the toolbar) to the Dashboard to refresh
it and make the item show up. Any hints?

David Szego

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