Actually, MXE isn't a compiler, but a Makefile that compiles a cross compiler.

So if I don't want to make my on copy of the GTK+ libraries, I must tell
grandma and grandpa to get their own copy of MSYS2 and MXE, and provide make
their own copy of GTK+ for Win32. Wouldn't that be easy and fun?

On 5/5/2016 at 1:04 AM, Lucas Levrel <> wrote:
>Le 3 mai 2016, Andrew Robinson a écrit :
>>>> Is it really necessary for every Windows application bundle to ship its
>>>> own copy of GTK+?
>>> By default MXE links statically. So you don't have any dll to bundle with
>>> your app. In such circumstances, what does LGPL say? Do you still have to
>>> provide the GTK source code (given that you don't distribute GTK libs)?
>> Well I can't ship MSYS2 and MXE with my application, and I most certainly
>> can't sell any application to grandma and grandpa, if it requires
>> on how to install MSYS2 and MXE just so you can run my application.
>I really don't understand why you say this. As its name says, MXE is a 
>compiling environment. Would you ship your assembler with your executable?
>Lucas Levrel
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