On 05/04/2016 02:22 AM, Andrew Robinson wrote:
> I have an idea! Why doesn't someone just compile all the binaries for Win32
> and Win64 and make them available on the Internet, that way none of us will
> have to go through all this stupid BS just to get some binaries? Just two
> packages, one for Win32 and one for Win64, using only just the command line
> options that
> https://blogs.gnome.org/nacho/2014/08/01/how-to-build-your-gtk-application-on-windows/
> tell us to use.

All the binaries are available and maintained in MSYS2. No need to
duplicate work.

If you want a newer Glib, you can try modifying the PKGBUILD and see if
it still works [1]. The version already seems right though.

You can also just download gedit for Windows, remove gedit.exe and put
in your .exe. You won't need some of the libraries and it's not very
clean and maintainable, but it's a quick hack to get a working GTK+.

And yes, Windows support could be a little cleaner and better
documented. It's not that bad though, people are working on it, and I'm
sure they'd appreciate help.

However, it seems many just ignore the LGPL when it comes to source code
distribution? Of course when using an unmodified version of glibc/GTK+/…
you can just find the library version you used and fetch the source code
from the upstream website when needed, but that may mean more work in
the future.

[1] https://github.com/Alexpux/MINGW-packages/tree/master/mingw-w64-glib2

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