
Perhaps gtk_builder_connect_signals_with_data (or something like that)
is the way to go. At least in a case we plan to include the DestroyNotify.
Otherwise we could tolerate one extra parameter into connect_signals, right?

Putting a DestroyNotify there will create the following (easy) bug scenario:

  data = g_new(...);
  gtk_builder_connect_signals_with_data(builder, data, g_free);

and now the memory is freed once per signal connected... Of course this is a 
programmers mistake (no proper refcounting), but I think it would 
be good to place a warning into the documentation? 


Lainaus Johan Dahlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > Of course one can use connect_full variant to achieve this, but that
> > also means that GModule-related code needs to be written into app.
> Exactly, I think this use case is valid to avoid duplicating that code.
> I see two possible solutions;
> 1) Change gtk_builder_connect_signals () to accept a gpointer to the
>    user data
> 2) Add a new method  which is similar to gtk_builder_connect_signals but
>    accepts user_data and perhaps a GDestroyNotify.
> Any preference? I'm leaning towards the latter.
> -- 
> Johan Dahlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Async Open Source
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