On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Mark <mark...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak
> <m...@avtechpulse.com> wrote:
>> On 08/31/2009 09:03 AM, jcup...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>> a very quick load-at-1/8th-size read where it just decompresses enough
>>>>> to be able to get the DC component of each 8x8 block. If you use
>>>>> libjpeg like this you can expect around a 100x speedup of the
>>>>> decompress step.
>>>> The gdk-pixbuf jpeg loader does this already.
>>> That's good, but I wonder if this feature is being used? I tried this
>>> tiny program:
>> I believe this is where it happens:
>> http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gtk+/tree/gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c#n924
>> - Mike
> I've done some more testing.
> The following test results are still with the same 1927 images.
> ## Thumbnails generated the nautilus way from:
> gnome_desktop_thumbnail_factory_generate_thumbnail() and that function
> runs: gnome_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf and not
> gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple which is odd to say the least
> real    2m43.595s
> user    2m42.433s
> sys     0m0.950s
> Lets say this is our current 100%. for the rest of the benchmarks 100%
> is the base.
> ## With the function: gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple
> real    2m19.266s
> user    2m17.914s
> sys     0m1.077s
> Note: 117% faster then gnome_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf
> ## With the function: gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_scale
> real    1m14.422s
> user    1m13.605s
> sys     0m0.787s
> Note: 220% faster then gnome_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf
> Note 2: 187% faster then gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple
> So, the current way: gnome_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf is the
> slowest possible way to go out of the available functions to scale a
> image down.
> Now i'm wondering why that function
> gnome_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf has been made in the forst
> place.. the comments above it state:
> /**
>  * gnome_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf:
>  * @pixbuf: a #GdkPixbuf
>  * @dest_width: the desired new width
>  * @dest_height: the desired new height
>  *
>  * Scales the pixbuf to the desired size. This function
>  * is a lot faster than gdk-pixbuf when scaling down by
>  * large amounts.
>  *
>  * Return value: a scaled pixbuf
>  *
>  * Since: 2.2
>  **/
> Well, the benchmarks ran above are resizing 1927 wallpaper sized
> images to a max width or height of 200 and that function clearly
> loses.
> The solution to this is extremely simple. Grab this file:
> http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gnome-desktop/tree/libgnome-desktop/gnome-desktop-thumbnail.c
> and replace the line:
>      scaled = gnome_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf (pixbuf,
>                                                  floor (width * scale + 0.5),
>                                                  floor (height * scale + 
> 0.5));
> with a function that is (a lot) faster.
> Now i already did more benchmarking with the last function
> (gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_scale) only then threaded and that adds a
> major speed boost! with me the time for thumbnailing 1927 images
> dropped to 31 seconds (552% faster then the current nautilus way) !
> but more on that in a later post.
> So, how do we proceed from this point?

Here is the benchmarking script:

And what you need to do before you compile and run it:
There are various paths in this script like:
/home/mark/ThumbnailingBenchmarks/2000_Wallpapers-Reanimation/ so you
obviously need to change them to your image source path. Note: there
are more paths then this example!

You can run three benchmarks:
    // GLib Thumbnailing Benchmark

    // Glib more rapid thumbnailing benchmark

    //Glib threaded thumbnailing (this is the
GLibThumbnailingBenchmarkRapid benchmark only in multiple threads)

by default the threaded benchmark is going to run but you can
obviously comment that one and run one of the other 2 benchmarks. The
difference between the GLibThumbnailingBenchmark and
GLibThumbnailingBenchmarkRapid is that the rapid one uses
gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_scale where the non rapid one uses
gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file which takes significantly longer as noted in
the benchmarks.
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