On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 11:46 AM, Alexander Larsson <al...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-09-29 at 22:59 +0200, Mark wrote:
>> hehe that was the idea indeed ^_^ and i will continue with that.
>> I will test the large factors tomorrow.
>> For now i'm happy with 100% cpu usage on all my cores (4).
>> with the code posted in my previous message i only had 70% cpu usage
>> so there was a bottleneck and it wasn't the HDD nor the CPU.
>> Now that's fixed with giving each thread more then one (5 actually)
>> images of it's own before locking and refilling the queue of 5 so now
>> there is 100% cpu usage in the multi threaded benchmark.
>> http://codepad.org/PKnp69qW
> Ok, i tested this a bit, and my results are not the same as yours.
> I tested on a directory with 1348 jpeg files, each aroung 5 megapixels,
> totalling 3.1 gig of data.
> Before each test I ran (as root):
>  sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
> This flushes the caches, for two reasons: make the tests comparable
> (i.e. same cache status), and to make the test realistic (nobody
> thumbnails 3 gig of files that are all in the cache).
> You  test is scaling to size 200, which is not the thumbnail size (128),
> but lets ignore that for now.
> // GLib Thumbnailing Benchmark
> There is a bug in the benchmark, where it saves the original pixbuf
> rather than the thumbnailed one, making this very very slow. When I
> fixed this i get this timing:
> real    3m40.876s
> user    3m19.667s
> sys     0m2.542s
> Same test but, using gnome_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf():
> real    3m34.784s
> user    3m13.926s
> sys     0m2.479s
> So, for me gnome_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf() is ~3% faster
> (which makes some sense, as its using a simpler algorithm). Did you
> compile your benchmark app with full optimization? (since you have an
> in-line copy of the scale_down_pixbuf function this is required)
> (The rest of the tests are all run with gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple for easy
> comparison.
> // Glib more rapid thumbnailing benchmark
> real    1m56.650s
> user    1m24.030s
> sys     0m2.622s
> Here we can see that the jpeg loading trick really helps us.
> //Glib threaded thumbnailing
> My machine has 2 cores, not 4 as yours.
> With the default 4 threads:
> real    2m2.194s
> user    1m25.437s
> sys     0m2.982s
> Changed to use two threads:
> real    1m53.783s
> user    1m25.948s
> sys     0m2.966s
> If we use the same number of threads as cpus we go slightly faster
> (approximately 2.6% less time). However, if we use more things are
> actually slower.
> I've got 4 gigs of memory, so not everything will fit in the cache, but
> the caches would probably help a bit, to verify this i ran the same
> two-thread example without blowing the caches first:
> real    1m36.681s
> user    1m21.610s
> sys     0m2.501s
> So, slighly better, and we can see that the real time is getting nearer
> to the user time, which means that less time were spent waiting on disk.
> However, i'm not sure how interesting a cached benchmark is. Nobody will
> thumbnail the same files twice.
> Now, what does this mean for Nautilus....
> Well, nautilus loads the files using gdk-pixbuf io-based resizing, which
> is essentially what "Glib more rapid" does. I.E. it uses the jpeg
> loading trick and scales using gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple. It calls
> gnome_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf() only when an external
> thumbnailer returns an oversize result (i.e. very seldom).
> Given the above result this is not ideal. The ideal would be to use the
> jpeg loader trick but then downscale with
> gnome_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf(), although that is hard to
> implement given the pixbuf APIs.
> Nautilus uses only one thread for thumbnailing, and upping this to the
> number of cpus of the machine could gain us a slight advantage, at the
> risk of starving the rest of nautilus by the increase in i/o traffic.

Hi Alex,

nice benching. i will fix that little issue in "// GLib Thumbnailing
Benchmark" to save the thumbnail pixbuff.
Then i hope the gnome_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf is really
faster like it states. And if that's the case perhaps it's time to
make a gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_scale that uses

note that the scaling performance is just a minor part of the complete
picture. If the loading/saving of files could be made faster in any
way that would give the most speed boosts.

As for "full optimization" to make it worse.. all my benchmarks where
ren in debug compile mode. So not representative if did for one test
but i did that for all tests so that probably makes it fair again..?
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