On Fri, 2005-07-01 at 10:21 +0200, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
> * Carl Nygard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-07-01 05:25]:
> > a) the first time I run the dialog, it pops up over my app.
> > The second and subsequent times, it stays under the app
> > 
> > b) When I hit the cancel button, the dialog stays open.
> Those two are obviously related, no? The first time you run it,
> it is instantiated and pops up. So far so good, but then it is
> never actually destroyed, as far as I understand Glade, only
> hidden (and I seem to remember that Glade instantiates widgets
> only once, if you destroy them afterwards, they are gone).
> Apparently it remembers where it was when it is unhidden, just
> like it was there all the time, but invisible.

Putzing around with it, I've got it working to my satisfaction --almost.
I need to figure out how to get Glade to stop cacheing the widgets.  For
example, if I run the script, then edit the glade file, then run the
script again, the second iteration doesn't see the changes I've made.

Anyone know how to turn off the caching in GladeXML?  If I suck in the
file as a buffer, then pass the buffer to GladeXML, will that defeat the
caching (ie. is the cache filename based?)

Alternatively, a method to make the widget popup over the main app would
be good, and $window->present doesn't seem to work in this case.

> I’m not sure how to make it pop over the app window – there’s
> possibly a method to make it go to the front, though. And I’d say
> the solution to your cancel problem is to not destroy the popup,
> only hide it.
> In any case, I’m only making educated guesses, but what I know
> for sure is that you need a better understanding of how Glade
> manages its widgets. I could tell you more if I had ever used it
> myself, but so far that’s not been the case.
> Regards,

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