On Sat, 2005-07-02 at 10:00 -0400, muppet wrote:
> On Jul 1, 2005, at 9:43 PM, Carl Nygard wrote:
> > Reading the file myself and using GladeXML::new_from_buffer() doesn't
> > cache the widget per-se, I can see changes to the xml file when I  
> > re-run
> > the script.  But it still pops up under the main app, and
> > $window->present() does nothing to help.
> >
> > Any clues?
> At this point, i think you need to post code, because the  
> descriptions don't match up with what should be happening, and the  
> possibilities of what you might be doing differently than expected  
> are too numerous.

Unfortunately, it's not really possible/practical to post code, since
the main app is a C++/Zaf/OpenMotif/Gdk::Pixbuf happy bastardization of
an app that's running an embedded perl interpreter to provide script

What I do know is that it has nothing to do with GladeXML, since I
rewrote the Dialog wrapper to generate the Gtk::Dialog on the fly from
scratch, and it exhibits the same problem.  And I know the dialog is
getting destroy'd after every embedded script run...

My current guess revolves around the possibility that Gtk::Dialog->new()
does something special to finagle a parent widget, and that parent
widget doesn't have anything to do with the app parent widget (which
would be Xlib/Motif window).  So the window manager gets confused about
what constitutes "front".  Although I have to wonder, if the window
manager thinks its in front after the $window->present() function call,
why does it blink the panel-icon-button-thingy to show that the window
is hidden?

Whatever, I still have some ideas for experiments, so I'll pursue those
in the absence of any other smart ideas from y'all.


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