Ok, I'll try to answer this :-)

On Nov 3, 2009, at 11:20, Simon Marlow wrote:

> On 02/11/2009 21:11, Axel Simon wrote:
>> The story is as follows:
>> Calling g_object_unref, the principal finalizer we attach to any
>> ForeignPtr, will decrement the reference count and immediately  
>> finalize
>> an object if this counter is zero. This can pose problems in three  
>> ways:
>> a) Storing any callback or other memory region in the GObject will
>> install a Haskell finalizer (freeStablePtr or free function pointer)
>> that is called when the GObject is finalized. After our last long
>> conversation about the new concurrent GC, we changed Gtk2Hs so  
>> that it
>> passes the addresses of the C functions of the ghc runtime as
>> finalizers, so Haskell is not called and all is well. (I hope I  
>> recall
>> this correctly.)
> Correct, as far as I recall.  You have to ensure that Haskell can't  
> be called from a C finalizer, or else use Haskell finalizers from  
> Foreign.Concurrent.  Which is why I was
> surprised that my backtrace showed that Haskell was being called  
> from a C finalizer!

I just realized that we haven't changed everything to use direct  
calls to C finalizers but to Haskell finalizers. I assume that this  
is because Haskell still got called from within the GC. If it is  
still called from within the GC, then some signals are being emitted  
as a result of finalizing an object. I probably need an example where  
this goes wrong. I don't know if it is possible to run the Haskell  
program in gdb and get a traceback of the C functions that called  
Haskell during GC. However, it might just be a very plain bug in that  
we bound a function as 'unsafe' when, in fact, it may trigger a  
callback to Haskell.

>> b) It is possible to add a Haskell finalizer function to a GObject.
>> Since these Haskell finalizers are called from the GC, they have to
>> re-enter the Haskell RTS which will bomb. Solution: remove the
>> possibility to add such a finalizer function.
> So is this currently done or not?  Why do I see a Haskell function  
> being called by a finalizer?

Well, as I said, probably an 'unsafe' function that should be  
declared 'safe'. We still provide the possibility, though, to attach  
a function that is called when an object dies. I don't think many  
people use this, but I don't know if we can categorically avoid this  
situations: some GObject in Gtk+ may trigger some 'disconnect some  
child object' if a finalizer is run. I don't know of any specific  
cases, though.

>> c) Xlib is not thread-safe but has no thread-local storage so it  
>> can be
>> called from several threads if they don't access Xlib at the same  
>> time.
>> Win32 API is not thread-safe *and* uses thread-local storage so  
>> that it
>> is impossible to call it from more than one thread.
>> Since a GObject may contain X or Win32 ressources, these might be  
>> freed
>> from a thread calling g_object_unref. Thus, if the ghc GC calls
>> g_object_unref from several threads, it is inevitable that Xlib or  
>> Win32
>> is called from several threads.
> But the GC never invokes finalizers from several threads!  It is  
> true that it doesn't give you any guarantee about *which* thread it  
> will run finalizers on, but the finalizers themselves run  
> sequentially.

Oh. Well, it wouldn't make things much worse if finalizers were run  
concurrently. I would have to wrap g_object_unref in a function that  
acquires a global lock, but that's all.
Why is this not done?

> However, what may happen is that the GC runs at the same time as a  
> (safe) foreign call, which may well cause the problems you  
> describe. This is not new, but the fact that the GC now runs  
> finalizers *is* new. More on this below...
>> This is what you observe below when get
>> an Xlib error. I have a patched version of Gtk2Hs lying around that
>> replaces the finalizer 'g_object_unref' with a wrapper function that
>> first acquires a global Gtk lock before calling g_object_unref.  
>> This may
>> severely stall the GC but works well for Xlib. On Windows, this still
>> doesn't work. Nor does it solve b).
>> The only solution I can think of is to insert all GObjects that are
>> finalized during GC into a list and to finialize all these objects by
>> calling a function (say 'runFinalizers') from the main Gtk thread.  
>> This
>> function can be called from Haskell in a 'safe' way so that  
>> callbacks to
>> Haskell are no problem.
>> The problem that remains is how to ensure that 'runFinalizers' is  
>> called
>> after each GC. When using Gtk+, I could add the 'runFinalizer'  
>> function
>> to the main loop of Gtk. Thus, when the GUI resumes after a GC, it  
>> will
>> finalize all objects that were dead during the last GC.
>> However, if we ever split off Cairo or Pango (two modules that may be
>> used independently of the GUI stuff) then there is no more Gtk+ main
>> loop. Thus, we would need another way to run the 'runFinalizers' C
>> function.
>> One idea I had to this end is a hook into the ghc runtime: We need to
>> install a C pointer to a function that is called at the end of  
>> each GC.
>> Additionally, we need to ensure that this function is called by one
>> specific OS thread. Alternatively, we would need a Haskell-side  
>> hook to
>> install a OS-thread bound Haskell function that, in turn, calls the C
>> function. I talked to Duncan about this but he was skeptical that GHC
>> headquarters would be happy about this.
> Calling a C function after GC would be quite easy to add.  However,  
> ensuring it gets run by a specific OS thread would be much harder -  
> the OS thread you want to use might be in the middle of a foreign  
> call, for example.
>> <rant>
>> In fact, the situation is a bit contradictory: As an application
>> developer you are responsible to carefully call all your functions  
>> from
>> an (OS-)bounded thread if your C library isn't thread-safe and  
>> then the
>> GC comes along and calls concurrently with any number of OS  
>> threads into
>> the C library to run the finalizers. This is not quite fair onto the
>> programmer.
>> <rant/>
> So while this is slightly incorrect (the GC doesn't run finalizers  
> concurrently), I agree that there is a problem in that you can't  
> effectively synchronise between C finalizers and other activity.
> I suggest that the C finalizers should be very simple: just add the  
> tasks to be done onto a queue protected by a mutex, and have the  
> main loop process the queue.  The mutex is necessary not to protect  
> against multiple finalizers running concurrently, but to protect  
> against finalizers running concurrently with foreign calls (e.g.  
> the gtk main loop).
> This sounds like what you proposed above, and in order to make this  
> work the GC needs to inform the main loop when more finalizers have  
> been added.  I'm not sure of the best way to do this.

I'm not quite following: who is in charge of this list? The GC?

As it stands, I can already implement what you suggest above: I  
replace each call of the GC to g_object_unref with a function that  
enqueues the finaliasation task into the Gtk+ queue.

As I said, the problems with this is that I cannot guarantee that the  
application program will every run the Gtk main loop. I can only  
guarantee that in real GUI programs, not in those that use Gtk2Hs to  
render some graphics into a file. Since the problems only really  
occur when objects with handles to Xlib or Win32 are finalized this  
would be a solution and is implementable without any change to ghc.  
I'm just weary that there is some object whose finalizer I do not  
enqueue in the main Gtk loop and which for some reason calls either  
Xlib/Win32 or Haskell.

> I wonder if for the time being you should just revert to using  
> Haskell finalizers.  They are less efficient and prompt, but they  
> do support proper synchronisation.

It seems I'm using Haskell finalizer. So you might just have observed  
an unsafe/safe declaration bug in Gtk2Hs. However, the Xlib warning  
is the real thing that cannot so easily be worked around.

>> Another idea would be to have a new type of finalizers that takes a
>> thread id and that the GC then guarantees to only run from the given
>> thread id. This would push the burden into the GC implementation.
>> Any thoughts appreciated. With the current solution, I don't think
>> there's a way for us to make Gtk2Hs thread-safe except for the  
>> hack of
>> using the Gtk+ main loop to run finalizers.
> Can I suggest that first of all there should be a warning on the  
> gtk2hs page and in the documentation about the use of -threaded; if  
> I'd known that it wasn't currently supported I would have avoided it.

Yes, I agree, we're not very upfront about this...

> Secondly, I'm happy to help here.  I think we ought to have multi- 
> threaded GUI support, and it's worth putting in some effort to make  
> it work.  Let me know how you'd like to proceed.

Could you say why it is so hard to associate a finalizer with a  
thread id and ensure that the  finalizer is run from that particular  
thread? It seems easier to me now than before, when I though the GC  
would execute finalizers concurrently rather than enqueuing them in a  
list. It would be ok to associate a ForeignPtr with a Haskell thread  
id (which in turn is bound to the right OS thread). You could keep a  
list of finalizers on a per-thread-id basis and add a process that  
executes these finalizers into the running queue of that thread. With  
this approach, it wouldn't matter that the associated OS thread is  
currently running in C land.

I'm probably naive about the complexity of this approach, but what I  
would implement in Gtk2Hs would boil down to something similar but be  
much more restricted.

Maybe you could elaborate on your idea again. I'm pretty sure I do  
not understand the details of your proposal.


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