
we, Andreas and I, currently developing webkit bindings for haskell
on top of webkitgtk. We plan to have our first release next week,
and currently writing doc and work up the last todos.

Since we working with the gtk toolkit version of webkit, we are 
using much of the glib and gtk functions binded from gtk2hs 
into the haskell world. In the webkitgtk api some functions
return gtk GObjects and for succesfully integrate them
we have to query some GType informations. Sadly  non
of the gtk_*_get_type function we needed is binded in

Is there any reason why these aren't binded? Maybe 
there is a other way in gtk2hs we didn't see.

Here is a code sniped to show one of the main points
where we need those functions:

   :: WebView
   -> IO IMContext
webViewGetIMContext web_view = do
  imct <- {#call gtk_im_context_get_type#}
  objectGetPropertyGObject imct "im-context" web_view

If there is no reason for them to be not binded, I would
like to provide patches to integrate them into mainstream
gtk2hs and get rid of the direct ffi/gtk+ in our package. 

Please excuse my cruel english. 

regards Daniel

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