On Apr 23, 2010, at 18:05, Wallace, Malcolm wrote:

>> I pushed a patch. Can you pull it and try again?
> Excellent.  Both glib and cairo now build and install without errors.
> However, I am still seeing an error when attempting to build pango,
> probably related to the previous dir/filename problem, but in some
> different argument.
>  $ cd pango; cabal configure --prefix=/workspace/ext
>  Resolving dependencies...
>  Setup.hs:25:0:
>     warning: #warning Setup.hs is guessing the version of Cabal. If
> compilation of Setup.hs fails use -DCABAL_VERSION_MINOR=x for Cabal
> version 1.x.0 when building (prefixed by --ghc-option= when using the
> 'cabal' command)
>  [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Setup.hs, dist\setup\Main.o )
>  Linking .\dist\setup\setup.exe ...
>  Configuring pango-0.10.5...
>  setup.exe: gtk2hsTypeGen.exe:
>  C:\workspace\ext\gtk2hs-buildtools-0.9\hierarchyGen/hierarchy.list:
>  openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)
> Indeed, the directory C:\workspace\ext\gtk2hs-buildtools-0.9 does not
> exist.  It was not created by "cabal install" of the buildtools  
> package.
> Should it have been?

Yes it should have been. This is a shame since this is actually Cabal  
failing. The documentation states that you can retrieve data files in  
your installed Haskell programs using

import Paths_gtk2hs_buildtools (getDataFileName)

and later

getDataFileName "hierarchyGen/hierarchy.list"

These two lines are from gtk2hsTypeGen. The fact that this fails is  
most likely a misconfiguration in the cabal file or a bug in Cabal  
itself. Is the gtk2hs-buildtools-0.9 directory anywhere else? For  
example under ~/.cabal ?

So this has nothing to do with pango but with tools/hierarchyGen and  
its cabal file tools/gtk2hs-buildtools.cabal. The reason this doesn't  
fail with glib and cairo is that they neither generate a type  
hierarchy nor do they have signals, so neither tool is run.

Could you check what happens when you install the gtk2hs-buildtools  
package? cabal install -v gives me amongst others:

copy hierarchyGen/hierarchy.list to
Creating /Users/simona/.cabal/share/gtk2hs-buildtools-0.9/hierarchyGen  
its parents)

which is the standard path for me when I configure with --user.

Thanks for bearing with us!


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