Hi Malcom,

On 22.04.2010, at 11:45, Wallace, Malcolm wrote:

>> the repo at code.haskell.org now contains a cabal version of Gtk2Hs
> This is excellent news.  I have tried to build it on Windows under
> MinGW/msys, but have got an error and am not sure how to proceed.
> (1) I installed gtk+-bundle_2.20.0-20100406_win32.zip from
>    www.gtk.org/download-windows.html
> (2) In the gtk2hs repository,
>    $ cd tools; cabal configure; cabal build; cabal install
>    That all worked smoothly.  I put the installed bin dir on my PATH.
> (3) $ which gtk2hsC2hs;
>    /workspace/ext/bin/gtk2hsC2hs.exe
>    $ cd glib; cabal configure;
>    Resolving dependencies...
>    Configuring glib-0.10.5
>    $ cabal build;
>    Preprocessing library glib-0.10.5
>    Gtk2hsC2hs.exe: does not exist

So simply running gtk2hsC2hs.exe on the command line works but cabal  
doesn't manage to start it? That's odd. You could try to run 'cabal  
build -v' and see how cabal tries to run gtk2hsC2hs.exe. Does it have  
to do with the .exe suffix?

Duncan just send in a patch where he specifically added the line

         build-tools:    gtk2hsC2hs, gtk2hsHookGenerator, gtk2hsTypeGen

to the library spec of gtk.cabal. Maybe that helps.


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