Hi John,

John Obbele <john.obb...@gmail.com> writes:

> Good day everyone !
> On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 12:50:43AM +0800, Andy Stewart wrote:
>> >From GObject hierarchy, there are many GObject not derive from
>> GInitiallyUnowned.
>> Please keep patch small and just for one GObject per patch, then we can fix
>> if something wrong.
> At least, I've finished musing with the GObjects hierarchy and
> its C documentation. To summarize, I've "grep'ed" every
> occurrences of the functions "mkFoobar", where "Foobar is the
> name of an object not inheriting from GInitiallyUnowned, and fix
> the preceding {construct,make}NewGObject according to what I
> understand from the C documentation. … hopefully, this should
> cover most of (all?) the cases where GObjects are created.
> Patches are not really grouped by objects, but by filenames. The
> gio, pango and gtk libraries are affected.
> I've also rewritten the documentation for constructNewGObject to
> make it more coherent.
> If I have been too zealous in some part of the code by replacing
> traditional *NewObjects calls with "wrapNewGObject", you will
> quickly see some horribles glib warnings like the followings and
> occasionally some segfaults :)
>     (process:###): GLib-GObject-WARNING **:
>         invalid cast from `(null)' to `Foobar'
>     (process:###): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **:
>         g_foo_bar_method: assertion `G_IS_FOO_BAR (foobar)' failed
> The good news is that in the opposite case where I forget to use
> "wrapNewGObject", you will not see any problems ,)
> Please test the modifications on real programs (if possible using
> pango and gio) and keep me informed if you see any strange
> things.
I have test your patches, looks good except change for mkTextMark.

After apply 'wrapNewGObject mkTextMark', I got error :

------------------------------> textMark error start 
(manatee:22540): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkTextMark being finalized while still in the 
buffer; someone removed a reference they didn't own! Crash impending
(manatee:22540): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkTextMark being finalized while still in the 
buffer; someone removed a reference they didn't own! Crash impending
(manatee:22540): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkTextMark being finalized while still in the 
buffer; someone removed a reference they didn't own! Crash impending
(manatee:22540): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion 
`G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
------------------------------> textMark error end   

Looks wrapNewGObject finalized TextMark too early to crash program.
I have push new patch revert the change for mkTextMark, please check repository.

BTW, i search regexp "\(make\|construct\)NewGObject\s-mk[a-zA-Z]+" in
Emacs, and found many results (146) should use wrapNewGObject too,
something like:

      widgetRenderIcon :: WidgetClass self => self
       -> String            -- ^ @stockId@ - a stock ID
       -> IconSize          -- ^ @size@ - a stock size
       -> String            -- ^ @detail@ - render detail to pass to theme 
       -> IO (Maybe Pixbuf) -- ^ returns a new pixbuf, or @Nothing@ if the 
stock ID
                            -- wasn't known
      widgetRenderIcon self stockId size detail =
        maybeNull (makeNewGObject mkPixbuf) $

missing? ;p

As far test with my program (http://goo.gl/MkVw), works well, but my program 
code can't
cover all your changed, so we need more test before release
gtk2hs-0.12.0, i will post mail in gtk2hs-user and haskell-cafe later.

Axel, can you modified gtk2hs-buildtools make it generate wrapNewGObject
if GObject is not derive from GInitiallyUnowned? Thanks! :)

> P.S.: I've attached an additional patch for
> gio/demo/FileManager.hs which did not compile on my machine.
Sorry, i forgot update demo code after i change GIO APIs.

BTW, we should use fromString/toString in package 'utf8-string' to convert
between ByteString and UTF8 String safety.

I have push new patch to fix this problem, thanks report! 


  -- Andy

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