
On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 01:41:11AM +0800, Andy Stewart wrote:
> After apply 'wrapNewGObject mkTextMark', I got error :
> ------------------------------> textMark error start 
> <------------------------------
> (manatee:22540): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkTextMark being finalized while still in 
> the buffer; someone removed a reference they didn't own! Crash impending
> (manatee:22540): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkTextMark being finalized while still in 
> the buffer; someone removed a reference they didn't own! Crash impending
> (manatee:22540): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkTextMark being finalized while still in 
> the buffer; someone removed a reference they didn't own! Crash impending
> (manatee:22540): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion 
> `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
> ------------------------------> textMark error end   
> <------------------------------

My bad. I think the error is not with TextMark.textMarkNew but
only within Graphics/UI/Gtk/Multiline/TextBuffer.textBufferNew
where I effectively put a "wrapNewGObject" whereas the C
documentation warns against it (cf "transfer NONE" in [0]).


I have read the documentation too fast thinking
"cfunction_foo_create ()" == "cfunction_foo_new ()" => new
object. I was wrong.

Hopefully, the other modifications avoid this semantic trap.

> BTW, i search regexp "\(make\|construct\)NewGObject\s-mk[a-zA-Z]+" in
> Emacs, and found many results (146) should use wrapNewGObject too,
> something like:
>       widgetRenderIcon :: WidgetClass self => self
>        -> String            -- ^ @stockId@ - a stock ID
>        -> IconSize          -- ^ @size@ - a stock size
>        -> String            -- ^ @detail@ - render detail to pass to theme 
> engine
>        -> IO (Maybe Pixbuf) -- ^ returns a new pixbuf, or @Nothing@ if the 
> stock ID
>                             -- wasn't known
>       widgetRenderIcon self stockId size detail =
>         maybeNull (makeNewGObject mkPixbuf) $
> missing? ;p

Yeah missing :(

My haskell/parsec3 skills failed in this case (damned trailing
parenthesis ')' !). Guess I will have to fix it and recheck some

Keep in mind that one should check the C documentation for every
occurrence of {construct,make}NewGObject. Typically, only
functions with names like `prefix_objectName_new` (e.g.
"gtk_text_mark_new") requires "wrapNewGObject". Functions
following the `prefix_objectName_get` pattern (e.g.
"gtk_cursor_get_display") should use "makeNewGObject" since there
is not transfer of ownership with them.

Gtk developers provide help by explicitly stating if
the transfer type is "NONE" (=> "makeNewGObject"), "CONTAINER"
(?=> free the returned list/array BUT use "makeNewGObject" on
every item) or "FULL" (=> "wrapNewGObject").

Unfortunately, this help is not present for every function
(especially in my local version of the gtk-doc). So I assume the
only solution to this problem is to rely on error prone human

... or we could also build an overmind using a full Haskell/C2HS
lexer/parser coupled with GInstropection to solve this issue. But
man, I'm really too lazy to implement this right now.

So to conclude, sorry for my mistake on TextMarker. Let me
rethink something about missing "constructNewGObject"
declarations ,)


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