Hi there!

Sorry for the very late reply; I got caught up in that thing called
"real life"... :-)

On Tue, 2010-10-26 at 10:07 +0800, Andy Stewart wrote:
> Hi Maxime,
> Maxime Henrion <mhenr...@gmail.com> writes:
> >     Hello all,
> >
> >
> > Yet another not really interesting patch :-).  It provides a new-style
> > signal handler for the "destroy" signal of the Widget object (not the
> > same as the "destroy-event" one).
> I guess you want patch for module Gtk/Abstract/Object.chs  ;)
> We have signal 'objectDestroy' in Object.chs
> Anyway, thanks for patch! :)

Yup, I had seen 'objectDestroy' in Object.chs, thanks to the link
provided in the documentation for the "destroy-event" signal.  My
problem with that is that this signal handler is not at the same level
in the object hierarchy than the one in GTK+.  I find this unintuitive,
and it is bound to confuse users of our bindings at some point.  I think
we should aim at minimizing such differences, which is why I proposed
that patch.

Is there a legitimate reason for this difference?

> > There's one nit though: the documentation for other signal handlers
> > include tags such as "%hash c:c408 d:5514".  I suppose this points to
> > the external GTK+ documentation somehow, but I have no idea how to get
> > one for this signal handler.  So I just provided the documentation text
> > from the upstream documentation.
> BTW, if you use Emacs, you can use my gtk2hs extension:
> http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/gtk2hs.el 
> Open GTK+ manual in Emacs-w3m, select documentation and do 
> 'gtk2hs-format-docs'

Unfortunately, I'm not using emacs, and I have no intention to switch to
another editor :-).  Is there another way to get to those tags?  Or can
I just ignore this issue and leave it to others to deal with in the


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