One more vote to not create another list.  Yes, we get some amount of
fluff, but yes, it is usually identified.

As for traffic levels on the list, this one is pretty light.  So much so
that I often leave town for a few days without unsubscribing, knowing that
my inbox will handle it.  Try that on any other moto-list, without being
in digest.

I subscribed to the Ducati list right after I bought the 900 CR, and was
planning to do it in digest.  When I subscribed I was busy and had to run
to a meeting, so left it in non-digest until I got back.  One hour later I
had 135 new messages, virtually all from the Duc list.  I unsubbed
instantly and have never gone back--I don't have time to sort through a
digest as big as that, and certainly don't want it in real time.

This list has gradually gotten better at using fluff indicators, or, at a
minimum, a clear RE line.  As long as that's the case, no problem.  I'll
admit I don't open everything on this list.


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