Amen, almost brought a tear to my eye.  :)  Truer words were never spoken. :)
P.S.  Personally I like the east coast, west coast too; it's the stuff in
between that doesn't do very much for me.

> I've been doing internet moto rallies for 9 years now and there is one
> truth I know. If you hold it, they will come.
> You will never:
> 1) Find a place everyone agrees to. (Too far, too close, too hot, too
> cold, etc)
> 2) Find a date that everyone agrees to. (Too early, too late, it conflicts
> with X, etc)
> 3) Find an agenda everyone agrees to. (I want nothing but carving sport
> rides, I want a gentle sight-seeing ride, I just want to hang out, drink
> beer, and be social, etc)
> Pick a place. Pick a time. Allow for multiple agendas. Those who can make
> it will, those who can't won't.
> I'll be there, Gods willing, no matter where or when it is. I prefer
> summer, and personally, I prefer somewhere I have not been before for
> interest sake. That rules out most of the east cost.
> Take care,
> Mike

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