On 10/18/23 12:23, CToID wrote:
Hello guys, a common lisper here.  I've recently developed some interests in Guile, and wonder if I can make a program entirely written in Guile.

The reason why I am asking this question is because Guile seems to be designed as an extension language that will be embedded into other programs.

Hello CToID!

When I was first looking at GNU Guile, I had the same question. This might be due to it being promoted as an extension language on the official website (I think).

Yes it is possible to write programs exclusively in GNU Guile : ) Just like you can write whole programs with Racket or other similar languages.

It is one of the more used Scheme dialects. At least I think it is, from the perspective of my own bubble.

Many exciting developments happened over the last 1–2 (or is it 3?) years. There is the whole Guix thing for example. Recently for example Guile Hoot, if you want to look that up. However, as a non-mainstream language, of course you might also come across some rougher corners and might need to implement things on your own or ask around what others already have. People on the mailing list are often helpful.


Best regards,

repositories: https://notabug.org/ZelphirKaltstahl

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