On Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 10:43:25AM -0400, Greg Troxel wrote:
> CToID <funk...@yandex.com> writes:
> > How do I distribute Guile programs to somebody who doesn't have Guile
> > installed on their system?  It does not seem like Guile compiler is
> > able to produce a standalone executable.
> The same way you distribute Java programs, python programs and perl
> programs.  You ask they they install the langauge environment as part of
> your instructions

And -- at the end of the day -- C programs: libc (or equivalent) and
the runtime aren't trivial either. Unless you are doing embedded stuff.

In Linux, for example, a "C executable" (a binary compiled from C)
isn't that different from a shell script, if you squint. While in
a shell script you have that shebang line stating "I want to be
interpreted by /bin/foo", the executable says "I want to be loaded
by /lib/ld-linux.so" (the dynamic loader) or something similar.

Actually, AFAIK, the Guile compiler compiles down to dynamic objects
these days. But you need that pesky runtime...

It's turtles all the way down :-)


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