What would you prefer?

I prefer plain text, but I don't feel that strongly about it, as such.

    about not introducing HTML markup in the translated text?

If the "translation" you're referring to is the home-pkgblurbs.html file
which the web translators work with, that is (obviously) specifically
for the web site, so it doesn't make sense to not be HTML.

Has anyone written to Benno et al. @ coordinator yet?  Anything
happening with TP requires them to agree, not to mention do any work on
the TP side.

On the other hand, having translations simultaneously happening in TP
and www seems like a lot of headache to me.  And www translators will
not, in general, be technically up to using TP.  That is the whole
reason we are doing what we're doing.

Thus, it seems to me that the path of least resistance would be to have
any translators who want to work on the blurbs provide translations of
the web file (they could email them to web-translators if they aren't
already doing www translations).  For guix/gsrc purposes, you guys can
just strip out the html.  It is not that hard; not like you have to
actually parse all of HTML to do this job.  A few trivial text
substituions and we can put this to rest.


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