Scott wrote:

> I am happy to provide a server, but do not have the bandwith to help
> with the setup, other than simple sysadminny type things.  Let me know
> and we can set it up.  It is a 1Ghz Athlon with 512MB RAM and 60 GB of
> HD (approx 50GB free right now).  It has enough banwidth it was able to
> rsync the entire /home/cvs from icarus in 4 hours, so the connection
> seems fine :)

Scott, may I take you up on this please? I'd like to have as many full
public Gump's as possible, so I get multiple runs a day to work out
bugs/issues & see the output of new additions. Thanks in advance.

BTW: I seem to have problems accessing
today, which is a shame 'cos I think we were getting valuable output from
it. The problem I have with is that trimmed gump
(installing packages over non-packaged module definitions) needs work.



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