> I wish you luck with your new venture.
> However, the original website took a picture from my personal website
> without my permission - a fantasy costume and so specified - and made a
> critique as if it was an historical one. I do hope that this will not
> happen on your new version.
> Suzi
I will do what I can to stop image theft but I don't have the resources to
search the internet every time somebody submits a picture so, I'm going to
work on a presumption of innocence until proven guilty. However I will keep
a record of the name of the person who submits a photo and if somebody
brings it to my attention I will ban any image thief from submitting more

Thank you for your reassurance. I think the premise behind the original one
was - "Take any image and do a critique" which I think is questionable to
say the least. If I want a critique of my work I am happy to submit it
personally, but as a professional maker, I am bound by customer choice, so
often it is not truly "historical". Your new version sounds much more
sensible and personal, and I hope it goes well.


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