This is the kind of tape that I have used very successfully for making cage
hoops.  Good luck with your project.  The tape sure beats having to make
riders of other tape or thread overlays and the fact that it is uniform in
its pockets gives a more professional construction that will stand the
motion of the cage and the garments that  will be supported.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "katherine sanders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2006 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Re: Cage crinolines: wire/steel hoops and

> Thanks for all the help -
> Suzi - thanks for the link to your site: that
> crinoline is certainly the shape and style I am going
> for and if you've not had any quibbles from museums,
> there's no reason why I should from general M.o.t.Ps
> Deb,
> I didn't see your reply before it was included in a
> message so my digest is still skipping but yes, I
> think I'll go with Suzi's suggestion initially. I
> found some 'roman blind' tape which would do the job
> so I just need to check it will take the width of
> steel - I may order narrower steel so it can be
> enclosed in a tape (at least that way the ends will
> look neater).  I found some rather coarse red twill
> tape which looks like a narrow version of the stuff
> used on this crinoline
> The measuring tape steel is (over here in the UK) too
> wide and does that weird and painful crinkling thing
> when I try and measure stuff... not sure I want it
> near my legs, drawers or not! I think the piano cables
> are about the right size but I'll have to talk to a
> friend who owns one first.
> Thanks for the Farthingales link - their 'tutu steel'
> looks very like what I think the originals were - I'm
> happy to be proved wrong but I can't find any pictures
> as close as they need to be to be sure.
> I'll check out their overseas ordering policy if I
> can't find a ballet wholesale supplier over here who
> can help. We've got a ballet company in Glasgow who
> may give me a name, if I ask really nice :-)
> Thanks again - I'll be sure to post a link to a photo
> when it's done!
> Yours gratefully,
> Katherine
> "A positive attitude may not solve all of your problems, but it will
> annoy enough people to make it worth the effort" - Herm Albright
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