Are you implying we're Red herrings? :D
Actually I'm a pike.


On Mar 22, 2006, at 11:41 AM, Angharad ver' Reynulf wrote:

The lecture that Robin is discussing right now is in Oregon, not too far from Portland, as the crow flies. I'm carpooling with 2 others down from the Seattle-Tacoma area to attend.

Hey, anyone else willing to have a Red "H" or something so that we can identify ourselves at the lecture? I know there were others at the Sewing and Stitchery Expo at the beginning of this month, and would have liked to have been able to meet you.

Angharad/ Jonnalyhn Wolfcat

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Althea Turner

"Ignorant themselves of the forces of nature and wanting to have company in their ignorance, they don't want people to look into anything; they want us to believe like peasants and not ask the reasons behind things."
William of Conches, 12th century

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