the big conference
somebody mentioned in Michigan?  Kalamazoo, maybe?

Here is the link to the Medieval Congress in Kalamazoo  .   This is a major event for medieval 
scholars from around the world that takes place every year in early May.  An 
organization called DISTAFF (founded in part by Robin) has actively worked for 
several years to give medieval costuming research a presence there.  You will 
find the full list of sessions on the web site but a couple of the interesting 
ones are:
"Old Clothes, New Tools I: Computer-Related Tools for the Study of Dress and 
Clothing Culture"
"Dress and Textiles IV: Headwear"
"Personal Effects: What They Carried and What They Wore"
"Dress and Textiles I: Weaving and Spinning"
and several more costume ones and a great many non-costume ones depending on 
what other interests you have.  There are also dozens of booksellers.

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