On Wed, 22 Mar 2006, REBECCA BURCH wrote:

> Okay, I can't stand it anymore.  Where is this lecture?  Is there a
> mailing list to get on for notices for things like this and the big
> conference somebody mentioned in Michigan?  Kalamazoo, maybe?

OK, two different things here. Second question first.

The International Congress on Medieval Studies is the world's largest
interdisciplinary conference on the Middle Ages. Every May, thousands of
scholars and students from around the world converge on Kalamazoo,
Michigan for four days and nights of sessions and events devoted to
medieval studies. This includes more than 500 sessions with an average of
three paper presentations each, as well as meetings, receptions, concerts,
book shopping, and more. Papers and session topics cover the full range of
medieval studies, with strong emphases on literature (mostly English and
other European languages), history (including political history, social
history, economic history, etc.), art history, music, religion, and other
traditional fields of study.

Four of those 500-odd sessions are sponsored by DISTAFF, a group I
organized with Gale Owen-Crocker for the sole purpose of sponsoring
conference sessions on medieval dress and textiles. In addition, there are
often other papers and even occasional sessions elsewhere on the Congress
program that have a dress and textiles focus. This year I count eight such
sessions total (including the four DISTAFF sessions) plus about a dozen
individual papers scattered around other sessions.

Kalamazoo is an academic conference, and geared to the academic
researcher. It is not a re-enactment event. However, quite a few
re-enactors who are interested in scholarly research in medieval studies
do go there, with the understanding that they are there as
students/scholars. The conference is hard to get to and expensive, but if
this is up your alley, it is a heady and rewarding experience.

Further information, including the full schedule of sessions, is at the
Congress website, http://www.wmich.edu/medieval/congress/ . If you are
interested in going, be aware that dorm space fills up FAST and may
already be full. Preregistration ends April 15; cost at the door is
slightly higher. 

Kalamazoo has a mailing list for sending the annual call for papers and
registration materials. If you're specifically interested in costume
sessions, you're welcome to e-mail me privately to get on the DISTAFF
e-mail announcement list, and you'll get notices of what we're doing with
our sessions both at Kalamazoo and the other major medieval conference in
Leeds, England. I'll also be happy to answer questions about K'zoo via
direct e-mail, but be warned I probably won't write you back till next
week, since I'll be away lecturing this weekend.

Which brings us to your other question. As a scholar of medieval dress and
textiles, I do academic research and present my findings at conferences
such as Kalamazoo. I'm not affiliated with a college or university, but
occasionally I also am asked to do guest lectures. And sometimes I'm asked
to speak for private groups, particularly the SCA and other costuming or
re-enactment organizations. For these sorts of groups, I've taken a number
of my scholarly presentations and adapted them for a re-enactor/costumer
audience -- more information on construction, for instance. These are the
lectures people on this list are talking about when they say they've heard
me speak.

Sometimes I give just one or two classes as an invited speaker at an SCA
"university" event. Other times, a group brings me in to do a full day of
lectures. That's what I'm doing this weekend in Portland, Oregon. The
webpage about the event is here:
...but I'm afraid it's sold out.

I always announce my public appearances on this list. You can also write
me privately and tell me where you're located, and I'll put you on my list
of people to contact if I'm going to be speaking in your area. If your
group wants to discuss to bringing me in, e-mail me directly.


Robin Netherton 
Editor, Medieval Clothing and Textiles
voice: (314) 439-1222 // fax: (314) 439-1333
Life is just a bowl of queries.

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