Suzi, the clothes you are making sound wonderful. Have a great time, and
if someone gives you guff, just remember that such an individual is not
behaving up to the standards of courteous and honorable behavior of the

Any chance you'll be posting pictures?


> Thank you for that, Sarah. As my clothing is the sort worn by the 
> lower/middle ranks of people at court - owing to the previous events 
> I have attended - it seemed the best solution to dressing my husband 
> was to dress him to match. We already had a pair of rather 
> theatrical 
> breeches and boots - not Venetians, I'm afraid - but if covered with 
> a jerkin with long enough skirts, they will "do". (He has a natural 
> peascod!) I really can't afford time to make the "real thing" and as 
> he is unlikely to attend any other events, I don't feel the need.
> I really am looking forward to it - it's far more interesting trying 
> to work out "our costumes" than doing real work, and I will enjoy it 
> no matter what, but all the helps means that I should not break too 
> many rules.
> Suzi
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