I think the "prefixes" are intended for the subject line, right?

I belong to a list that recommends headers. It's a diverse group with members from many countries, but all posts are in English. Honestly, the prefixes don't do *one bit* of good! Some people use them, some don't. The list admin reminds people periodically AND it's included at the end of every single message posted to the list.

If you can train list members to use prefixes, you ought to be able to train them to change the darn subject line!

If every member made sure to change the subject line to reflect the contents, prefixes wouldn't be needed! That and sending one-liners privately instead of to the list. One thing the list admin might consider is changing the replies to return to sender, rather than return to the list. That cuts down *a lot* on the reply chatter, but doesn't eliminate any original posting.

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