Can we kill this discussion?
There's nothing wrong with this list.
If something comes up that you don't want to read, don't read it. If you accidentally read something you find to be a waste of time, well boo hoo! Who here has spent any significant amount of time reading such things?

Like many other people on the list, there are _some_ messages you don't want to process at all--or you would not ask to have a discussion killed instead of just ignoring those messages. I understand. I feel the same way. When it became clear that people had different ideas about which discussions are irrelevant and uninteresting, I proposed the idea of filters to see what people thought of it. Some like the idea, some don't. OK. Any inference (not yours, I know) that I'm trying to take over h-costume or impose standards on everyone by making such a suggestion is absurd--it's not even technically possible.

So, now we can all go back to flaming each other and asking for discussions to be killed whenever =someone gets bored.

Lavolta Press

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