I got a book a long time ago called "Costume Design and Making" by Fernald and Shenton that has simple patterns for lots of costumes. It's another Theatre Arts book so it may be very similar to Brookes and it may still be too difficult for parents. Are there any commercial patterns for children for Medieval type costumes?


On Sep 12, 2006, at 7:39 AM, Robin Netherton wrote:

Here's an uncharacteristic request.

I'm going to be speaking to my kid's elementary school class about
medieval costume, as part of a big unit they're doing on the Middle Ages.
This much I know how to do, and have done before. No problems there.

Here's the part I need help with. The class will be putting on an in-class medieval "feast" at the end of the unit, in about two months. The teachers
want the kids to be dressed appropriately. Most of the parents probably
don't sew much, and even if they do, they're not going to need or want to take the time and effort to learn about medieval costume, or to spend the
money on proper materials. This is supposed to just provide a bit of
flavor and color to the festivities. (Think kids' Hallowe'een costume.)

The teacher has asked me to provide some basic references on easy medieval costume that the parents can draw on. I am absolutely backed up and can't
write my own, although I'll probably offer a list of basic garments and
suitable colors. Beyond that, I want to make a list of books and websites that will tell them, essentially, how to make their kid look medieval in
an evening or two, with a minimum of expenditure.

I've spent so many years steering people away from bad costume books that now I'm having to really probe the recesses of my brain for this one! The source I can think of right off the bat is "Medieval Theatre Costume" by Iris Brooke, which is really a useful visual introduction for the complete
newcomer, and has simple cutting diagrams. (It's also in our library
system.) For the people who care about doing it right, I'll point to the reconstructinghistory.com page on beginner garb for a basic tunic, which is a whole lot better than the "lie down and draw around yourself" T-tunic
approach and no harder.

Can anyone think of any other useful books or web pages for a parent who simply has to clothe the kid, doesn't need to be particularly authentic,
and will have no further use for the costume after one wearing? Surely
there are some SCA webpages or kid's costume books out there...


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