I have found flat winders a pain to use, so instead I
found some spools that are still modern shaped but
made out of wood, and wound the thread on those. I
also found some old wooden spools among my
grandmothers sewing stuff! You can sand off any logo
or printing on the ends and you're good to go. They're
easy to use (once you get passed the tedium of
rewinding thread on them) and don't draw attention to
themselves, which is really the point. 

Brava, by the way, to you for recognizing this as a
problem and wanting to do something about it. I've
seen too many white plastic spools at Faire and gotten
too many blank stares when I suggested that they
should at least be concealed when in use.


--- Rebecca Schmitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Little balls, huh? I could probably do that! Or
> wound around a small
> card...yeah....
> Thanks!
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