I went in Costume to the book party but didn't get my book with the crowd at
the stroke of midnight!  Big Mistake!  My book didn't come until after 3pm
and my housemate's until the next day!  I have to have that book read by
about 11am because I'm helping my son move his fiancee.  She just suffered
an ectopic pregnancy that burst and nearly killed her so she is to be duct
taped to a chair and allowed to offer nothing but advice as we crate her
stuff prior to her new house!

Regina (saw the movie at the Seattle IMAX with the fight scene in 3D - WoW!)

> I was going to see the movie this coming weekend as I hate dealing with
> large crowds, but the last Harry Potter book will be hitting my mailbox
> sometime Saturday, so I will have to read the last book first!!
> Cindy Abel

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