The problem is not that Fran is harsh... Fran can be whatever she chooses. It's 
her life and her kharma. The problem is that Fran is harsh to people in a 
public forum to such an extent that she has a reputation that people should 
avoid her at all costs. Her harshness has led to people leaving e-lists of 
topics they enjoy. Her cop-out of telling us to use a filter is not acceptable. 
I shouldn't have to filter out someone because they cannot come up with the 
common decency to behave in a manner accepted by the society in which she is 
travelling. In this case, that society is this e-list. Clearly as a group we 
find her behavior unacceptable. She should either put on HER big girl pants and 
save her venom for those in her real life who can choose to walk away. We, as a 
group, joined this list to talk about HISTORIC COSTUME... not to have to listen 
to a bitter woman call people thieves and trolls. Perhaps she should make a 
list called FRAN and then she can talk about anything she
 wants in a manner that she chooses and anyone who wants to participate can 
join that list.
  Now my personal rant is over and I prefer to return to talking about historic 
costumes so that is what I am going to do.   For example... I am considering a 
German gown similar to Duchess Katherine von Mecklenburg.
  The yellow looks like a damask to my eyes. Do you think it is? Or is it 
embroidery? Stamped velvelt? If I do it in a decent weight damask (I already 
have a nice golden yellow cotton damask), do you think that a silk velvet would 
have enough body to it to work right with the damask? Or would something else 
work better?

Audrey Bergeron-Morin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Well, if you've been on that list any length of time, you'll probably have 
noticed that Fran *is* harsh. Personnally, I just delete her emails.

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