I find it interesting that you mention karma because this type of conundrum has 
come up on several of my (very diverse) lists recently.  Perhaps it is coming 
around as it was going around. 
  At any rate, while I agree with you that Fran takes unacceptable liberties 
(ie. name calling and belittling) in her communications with others on this 
list, I am a believer in the right to free speech.  There are even times when I 
enjoy what she has to say (for example, retrospectives on past fashions). The 
best solution would be if she cared enough to study and learn polite behavior, 
second best would be to take rants off list.The third solution if the above 
fail is not to engage in struggle with her, which is what many of us already do 
with filters, etc.  In the old days it was called "shunning" and is quite 
effective, especially over the internet where we can walk away even more 
effectively than in person.  In modified form, it is a time-honored parenting 
My two cents,
Laurie (mother of 4)
> Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 03:13:32 -0700> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]> CC: > Subject: [h-cost] Enough!!!!!..... and a 
> return to what this list is supposed to be about.> > The problem is not that 
> Fran is harsh... Fran can be whatever she chooses. It's her life and her 
> kharma. The problem is that Fran is harsh to people in a public forum to such 
> an extent that she has a reputation that people should avoid her at all 
> costs. Her harshness has led to people leaving e-lists of topics they enjoy. 
> Her cop-out of telling us to use a filter is not acceptable. I shouldn't have 
> to filter out someone because they cannot come up with the common decency to 
> behave in a manner accepted by the society in which she is travelling. In 
> this case, that society is this e-list. Clearly as a group we find her 
> behavior unacceptable. She should either put on HER big girl pants and save 
> her venom for those in her real life who can choose to walk away. We, as a 
> group, joined this list to talk about HISTORIC COSTUME... not to have to 
> listen to a bitter woman call people thieves and trolls. Perhaps she should 
> make a list called FRAN and then she can talk about anything she> wants in a 
> manner that she chooses and anyone who wants to participate can join that 
> list.> 
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