On Wed 08/04/30 13:35 , Dawn [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:
> Can anyone give me a date for these new patterns other than "Civil War" era? 
> Has anyone tracked down the fashion plates that 
inspired these to give a more specific year?

A post on another list indicated the patterns by Kay Gnagey are taken from 
drafts in "Der Bazar". 

> I'm also interested in dating the previous sets of Simplicity patterns, if 
> there's someone who can provide better knowledge of 
the period.

Why not contact the designers and ask? Martha McCain is a member of this list. 
A summary of some of her research for her men's 
patterns, including photos of the original garments, is posted on Simplicity's 
web site. I've found her designs to be very accurate 
for the Civil War era. It's unfortunate Simplicity did not use her excellent 
instructions. Simplicity should be able to provide 
contact information for the other designer(s).

> Someone said the men's pattern looked 1880's. How can you tell? To me it 
> looks a lot like the previous set of men's "civil war" 

The new men's pattern by "Buckaroo Bobbins" seems to be rather "generic" - 
combining details from several decades to create 
an "impression". Looking at the information on the web site, I can see 
significant differences between it and the earlier patterns 
by Martha McCain, which are very accurate for the era.  

Carolann Schmitt
Ladies & Gentlemen of the 1860s Conference, March 6-9, 2008

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