I have an additional question, if one were to purchase a machine just
to do buttonholes, what machine would you reccomend?

hates to do them manually, and considering a machine that does nothing but...

On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Susan Data-Samtak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FYI - I was told that Brother is made by Singer.
> All that was said about newer Singers presumably holds with newer Brothers,
> as well.
> Susan
> NJ
> On Nov 10, 08, at 11:33 AM, Kim Baird wrote:
>> Susan wrote:
>> " The BEST advice I read was "Just re-thread it.  I know you think you did
>> it right, but do it over."  On the few occasions that I had thread tangle,
>> I
>> simply re-threaded and it was OK."
>> Here's a tip for threading your machine--the spool should be VERTICAL, not
>> horizontal, for best thread flow. Thread with the presser foot UP so that
>> the tension discs are open, and your thread can go in.
>> And if you are buying a machine, DON'T buy a Singer, unless it is old,
>> black
>> and metal. Check out your local Bernina dealer--they may have something
>> wonderful available as a trade in.
>> Kim
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